Vintage Camera, Vintage Cemetery

isoletteOther than one roll of film just to make sure the thing worked, this was my first time experimenting with my "new" vintage camera, an Isolette "folder" from Germany. I picked it up from an antique/junk store in Cary, NC with no idea what I was doing or if it would work at all. I found some folks online who pointed me to Jergen at who unstuck the focusing ring and did an amazing job cleaning it up for me. I gathered up a few friends and went, where else, to a beautiful local cemetery. Despite the name, Congressional Cemetery is open to the public, and anyone can be buried there. It's well off the DC tourist trail but worth a visit if you're interested in history or old cemeteries.

In the back of the drawer...

I'm not sure if this is the oldest roll I have lying around that's been processed but not scanned, but it's got to be close. (We went to London in June, 2009.) I had just a few usable images; it's nice to feel like I've learned something even if it makes for a frustrating scanning session.

Mystery film!

It's the first day of spring, but it's a miserable and cold one here in the Washington DC suburbs. The Cherry Blossom festival just started, but there's no way I'm going outside today. Instead, I reached into my (extensive) backlog of processed but unscanned film. Today's random roll is some Lomochrome purple I shot last summer in Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland. On the one hand, I want to get better about scanning and sharing photos in a timely manner. On the other hand, it's a perfect day to re-visit a great Scottish vacation. The photos below were taken ( as I recall) at the Calton Burial grounds in Edinburgh.

New Orleans - Revolog Lazer film

We visit New Orleans once or twice a year, and for January's visit I took the Revolog Lazer film I received for Winter Gift Giving Holiday. The "lazer" effect goes continuously throughout the roll; now that I know what it looks like I wish I had gone with standard 35mm frames instead of Diana Baby square and half-frames, since some of the shots showed minimal effects. These are a few I think worked out well, though.